Thursday, May 31, 2007

Firslty i will like to show you the benefits you get for having your own usa account:
Your own usa check.With this usa check you can pay in dollars anywhere you want to..Your first welcome kit contains 50check book.
Withdrawal from any bank.Thats true,the welcome kit has a USA visa ATM card,with this ATM card you can withdraw from any bank in the world..All you need to do is to take it to the bank ATM slot it in and you have your money..Simple
Wire money in your in and out:You will be able to wire money in your usa account at no charge,You can also wire money out of your usa account too.
Shop online: You will be ale to buy things online using your own visa platinum card
Transfer funds from your paypal account:If you have money in your paypal account or you have not started your internet bizness because of the problem of withdrawing money from the paypal account..No stories anymore.With your usa account you will be able to transfer money from your paypal account to your usa account at no charge..
No SSN address:.Your usa account is very easy and secure,you dont need any Social Security Number..not even your tax number.
Just your passport:Thats true all the bank need from you is your passport.
Fantastic online banking;you can check your bank account details when you want to,and whereever you are.You can also order checks,deposit and make online transfers anytime you want to.
No deposit fee required:The bank does not require you to pay any deposit fee.Once you fill the form along with your passport you get your account in just 3days.Guaranteed and this include all the informations that gives access to your will also recieve sample forms so that you dont make mistakes when filling your forms.
Google adsense:If you want to start google adsense but have being wondering how to go about it..With your usa bank account you will be given access to own your own usa address and with this address,you will be able to recieve your checks cash it into you usa account and get it withdrawn in naira..Lets face it..
1]you use paypal or ebay..You need a usa account and infact you will get a access to a usa address that will help you to recieve your Google adsense checks2]If you have or want to have a client in the us..You need a usa account3]if you want to do serious business on the internet..You need a usa account
Here are some other benefits the usa account gives you as a non residents
**So you can get a usa check books**So you can withdraw and transfer money from your paypal account**So you can recieve checks from your affiliate company and get it cashed within 3 days**So you can shop online using your Visa platinum cardplus that**You get your usa account within 3 days**All what is required is your passport**You recieve your welcome kit which will be sent to your address and it contains,50 checks,Visa atm card.e.t.cSo how much does it cost to recieve all this information?
Before i state the fee,let me give you the opportunity of reading testimonails of those who have tried our service
1]Dear ken,thank you very much for the account,i couldnt believe it until i was able to withdraw the $300 in my paypal account
2]You guys are great now i can do anybusiness on the internet because the issue of recieving money has being resloved.God bless you
3]I was able to start my business as an affiliate with clickbank and collected my last month check of $440 easily thank you very much
Now that you have seen the proofs that it how much do we charge for this service..In the past i use to charge #15,000 for it.Yet we recieve a lot of orders everyday because we are by far the best and the cheapest.and the fastest cos you get your account within 3 days..But because it is festive period i have decided to reduce it to an unbelievable offer of #4000 only..Yes #4,000 only..
Not just that the first 5 people who will pay between now and the 30th of january will recieve acess to some internet wealth secrets that i have being using to make as much as $4000 every month..To get your own account pay the sum of #4,000 before the 30th of January To request my bank details send an email to

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